
Welcome to Stories, a place to explore—and be inspired by—the wonder of our natural and cultural worlds.

Misplaced Fears: Rattlesnakes Are Not as Dangerous as Ladders, Trees, Dogs, or Large TVs
In Southern California, rattlesnakes can be seen year round, but Spring and Summer have the most rattlesnake activity.
Q: What are Those Miniature Spiky Puffballs? A: Brown Widow Egg Sacs
Earlier this week, staff found some small circular egg cases on a gate in the North Campus. Upon closer inspection we realized they were brown widow, Latrodectus geometricus, egg sacs.
When Fig Beetles Attack!
It’s a beautiful summer day in L.A. and I am strolling across a wide open lawn. The sky is bright blue and decorated with scattered clouds. 
Voices of L.A. Nature: An Interview with Iris Hill
Welcome to our new series, Voices of L.A. Nature, where we'll hear stories from a diverse range of Angelenos about their relationships with nature in L.A.
Voices of L.A. Nature: An Interview with Lynell George
Welcome to our new series, Voices of L.A. Nature, where we'll hear stories from a diverse range of Angelenos about their relationships with nature in L.A.
Voices of L.A. Nature: An Interview with Tafarai Bayne
Welcome to our new series, "Voices of L.A. Nature," where we'll hear stories from a diverse range of Angelenos about their relationships with nature in L.A.
Sink Bugs, Bathtub Bugs, Eyelash Bugs, or House Centipedes?
Ever seen a weird creature stranded in your bathtub, that could easily be mistaken for a discarded fake eyelash?
What to Wear When Lizard Watching
Choose your outfit carefully before you go on a nature walk.
A Multicolored Kaleidoscope
Watch colorful butterflies flutters in our Butterfly Pavilion.
Meet Our Polar Explorer
Dr. Nathan Smith, Associate Curator of NHM’s Dinosaur Institute, is an experienced Antarctic fossil hunter.