
Welcome to Stories, a place to explore—and be inspired by—the wonder of our natural and cultural worlds.

Students Side-by-Side With Scientists
In our labs and collections rooms and out in the field, a rotating stream of exceptional students are part of an engine of discovery.
Your Big Antarctic Dinosaurs Takeaways
After adventuring from the world as it was—Pangaea to a life-size re-creation of Cryolophosaurus, we caught up with some of the museum’s explorers to ask them about their expedition experience.
Museum-Made Monsters
The classic monster-movie artifacts that appeared in our Natural History of Horror exhibition are the result of one man’s uncanny foresight: Honorary Curator Earl Theisen.
Encounter Our Mighty Friendly Dino
Meet Hunter, our large-scale T. rex puppet.
A Mural Remembers L.A.
Chicana artist Barbara Carrasco’s mural, L.A. History: A Mexican Perspective, will be installed in the new Welcome Center of NHM Commons.  
Hollywood Has a Home
“We are the mother lode of Hollywood artifacts,” says Beth Werling, Collections Manager in History.
Valley Bugs and City Lizards
From the San Gabriel Mountains to the beaches, L.A. is home to plants and animals, some of which are found nowhere else on Earth.
Owl About Odin
He may only weigh about a third of a pound, but this Museum resident packs a big personality punch.
Meet Dr. Slime
Dr. Jann Vendetti, NHM's Associate Curator of Malacology, has a soft spot for the tiny and slimy .