The Hart Museum remains closed. Los Angeles County has approved a plan to transfer the William S. Hart Museum and Park from the County to the City of Santa Clarita.

Justice and Joy on Bikes

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet | Biking While Black

Woman of color in an shirt with Biking While Black logo on it, standing astride a bicycle with other cyclists behind her on a grassy lawn.

NHM Online Presents L.A. on Wheels, an online series celebrating the diversity of Los Angeles and its people through the lens of creative modes of transportation.

Los Angeles is often seen as a city of cars, freeways, and endless traffic. But for Yolanda Davis-Overstreet, it’s a city with the potential for transformation, powered by two wheels and a sense of community. Through her film Biking While Black, Yolanda advocates for safer streets and fosters a movement rooted in justice, equity, and joy.

Watch the video below to learn more about Yolanda Davis-Overstreet and her connection to social justice through her love of biking and her drive to unite communities.

A Lifelong Love of Biking in Los Angeles

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet is a proud Angeleno, born and raised in the historic West Adams neighborhood. Growing up in the 1960s, her love for cycling began at an early age when she rode bikes with her sister around the neighborhood. Yolanda remembers growing up in a community where kids rode their bikes outside every day. “What Los Angeles means to me is belonging,” she says. “It also means caring and making a difference.” By the time Yolanda was an adult, however, she had noticed that biking in her neighborhood and other communities of color had become increasingly unsafe and unmanageable due to car traffic and a lack of infrastructure.

“Being born in L.A. means that we get to dream, that we get to reimagine and be in a space like this. I definitely am an L.A. girl that has reimagined all my life.”

A family of color posing in their driveway in the early 1960s. The mother and father stand in front of a white sedan with their two preschool-age daughters in between them, sitting on the trunk of the car.

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

Yolanda (right) and her sister with their parents, growing up in the West Adams Neighborhood. Her mother and family, who still reside in this home, have been a part of the West Adams community for over 60 years.

Black and white photo of two young girls of color on tricycles in their backyard

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

Yolanda (to the left) and her younger sister (Cheryl) on their bikes in the backyard of her childhood home in West Adams in the mid-1960s.

Two young girls, in jackets and long pants, one in blue and the other in red, standing in front of a palm tree at the beach, next to a set of metal monkey bars. Their father stands behind them tree, leaning into the photo next to his parked car.

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

Without neighborhood bike paths, Yolanda's family would strap their bikes onto the family car and drive down to the beachside bike paths. Pictured here in 1971 is Yolanda (right) with her sister and father along the Southern California beach coastline.

Young woman of color posing on a yellow road bike in front of a wooden fence and palm trees. She wears sunglasses, a green tank top and black shorts.

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

Even as a tall middle schooler, Yolanda has enjoyed exploring her neighborhood on a bike. Pictured in the backyard of her childhood home in West Adams.

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Yolanda (right) and her sister with their parents, growing up in the West Adams Neighborhood. Her mother and family, who still reside in this home, have been a part of the West Adams community for over 60 years.

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

Yolanda (to the left) and her younger sister (Cheryl) on their bikes in the backyard of her childhood home in West Adams in the mid-1960s.

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

Without neighborhood bike paths, Yolanda's family would strap their bikes onto the family car and drive down to the beachside bike paths. Pictured here in 1971 is Yolanda (right) with her sister and father along the Southern California beach coastline.

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

Even as a tall middle schooler, Yolanda has enjoyed exploring her neighborhood on a bike. Pictured in the backyard of her childhood home in West Adams.

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

Her connection to the city deepened as she became a mother and an advocate. In 2013, while dropping off her young daughter at school, Yolanda saw firsthand the dangers children faced just trying to cross the street. This realization inspired her to act—first advocating for a crosswalk, then bike lanes, and eventually developing a vision of mobility justice that would transform how her community moves on two wheels. 

In 2011, Yolanda founded RIDE in Living Color, a “bicycling and mobility justice advocacy initiative” that advanced the narrative to promote safer streets in communities of color.

Parents and children walking across the street in front of a middle school with a crossing guard but no crosswalk

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

Yolanda’s mobility justice advocacy and community engagement focused on creating safe routes to school around her daughter’s middle school—New LA Charter Middle School in Mid City on Washington Blvd. and Burnside Ave.—by documenting the lack of safe infrastructure. In this case, there were no crosswalks, traffic lights, school zoning, or proper signage in place.

Woman of color standing in front of a brick school building, holding a yellow poster that reads "Safety Matters: New Los Angeles Charter Needs a Crosswalk"

Yolanda-Davis Overstreet

As a result of Yolanda’s mobility justice advocacy, aimed at creating safe routes to school around her daughter’s middle school, also inspired her to mobilize the principal at the time, Dr. Brooke Rios, and parents in the effort. Together, they advocated for safer streets, culminating in the installation of a crosswalk on Washington Boulevard in front of the school in Mid-City.

Man of color in a blue sweatshirt and black sweatpants standing on a street corner holding a sign that says "watch for kids. Watch the road." as cars drive past.

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

Yolanda helped bring the Mid City community together to advocate for a cross walk, school zone signage, and traffic lights in front of New Los Angeles Charter Middle School at the corner of Washington Blvd. and Burnside Ave. Pictured here is Damon Turner, founder of Los Angeles Bicycle Academy.

Four sides of an intersection showing freshly painted lines of yellow crosswalks on each street.

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

Yolanda’s mobility justice advocacy and community engagement succeeded in creating a safer route to her daughter’s middle school by documenting the lack of safe infrastructure, including crosswalks, traffic lights, school zoning, and proper signage.

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Yolanda’s mobility justice advocacy and community engagement focused on creating safe routes to school around her daughter’s middle school—New LA Charter Middle School in Mid City on Washington Blvd. and Burnside Ave.—by documenting the lack of safe infrastructure. In this case, there were no crosswalks, traffic lights, school zoning, or proper signage in place.

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

As a result of Yolanda’s mobility justice advocacy, aimed at creating safe routes to school around her daughter’s middle school, also inspired her to mobilize the principal at the time, Dr. Brooke Rios, and parents in the effort. Together, they advocated for safer streets, culminating in the installation of a crosswalk on Washington Boulevard in front of the school in Mid-City.

Yolanda-Davis Overstreet

Yolanda helped bring the Mid City community together to advocate for a cross walk, school zone signage, and traffic lights in front of New Los Angeles Charter Middle School at the corner of Washington Blvd. and Burnside Ave. Pictured here is Damon Turner, founder of Los Angeles Bicycle Academy.

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

Yolanda’s mobility justice advocacy and community engagement succeeded in creating a safer route to her daughter’s middle school by documenting the lack of safe infrastructure, including crosswalks, traffic lights, school zoning, and proper signage.

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

“L.A. on Wheels" and What it Means to Bike Together

For Yolanda, the concept of “L.A. on Wheels” is about more than cycling—it’s about reimagining how Angelenos move safely and proudly through their city. For her, riding a bike is fundamental: it brings joy, fosters connection, and builds community. Her efforts and organization work to educate people on the purpose of mobility justice advocacy work and its role in creating safer public spaces for Black and BIPOC individuals to bicycle and navigate their communities and beyond. 

The Biking While Black (justice and joy focused) bike rides aren’t just recreational—they’re transformative. They unite neighbors and strangers alike, connect riders with local businesses, and foster a sense of belonging that transcends racial and economic divides. Yolanda believes that the evolving education and engagement group bike rides have the power to strengthen bonds between families and friends while encouraging people to get outside and rediscover their city. She teaches how two wheels can be a tool for joy, freedom, and justice, reminding everyone that despite our different paths, we share common ground. “The experience I want people to take away,” she says, “is recognizing how important [justice] is, and understanding that we can make it happen together.”

Looking down a white and green-striped bike path with two cyclists further down the street.

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

Yolanda worked closely with LADOT's Vision Zero Supervising Transportation Planner Lauren Ballard, delivering many presentations to community groups and incorporating community feedback into the plans, to finally install a bike lane on Adams Blvd.

Selfie of a woman of color in a bike helmet, standing in the street in front of a group of bicyclists not paying attention to the camera.

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

Yolanda participating in a silent ghost bike ride with East Side Riders Bike Club in Watts, circa 2015, led by John Jones III, President/Co-Founder.

A line of bike riders riding in a bike path past parked cars and local stores.

Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County

One of the great joys Yolanda shares with fellow bike riders is the ability to explore the outdoors and see their city from a bike seat, as she did during this ride through the West Adams neighborhood.

Woman of color bending over her bicycle giving a peace sign. She wears a bike helmet, sunglasses, and bike gloves. Two other bikers stand to her right getting their bikes ready.

Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County

Nothing makes Yolanda happier than sharing her love of biking with fellow riders. The experience is all about the joy of coming together, enjoying the outdoors, celebrating each other, and exploring our vibrant city.

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Yolanda worked closely with LADOT's Vision Zero Supervising Transportation Planner Lauren Ballard, delivering many presentations to community groups and incorporating community feedback into the plans, to finally install a bike lane on Adams Blvd.

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

Yolanda participating in a silent ghost bike ride with East Side Riders Bike Club in Watts, circa 2015, led by John Jones III, President/Co-Founder.

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

One of the great joys Yolanda shares with fellow bike riders is the ability to explore the outdoors and see their city from a bike seat, as she did during this ride through the West Adams neighborhood.

Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County

Nothing makes Yolanda happier than sharing her love of biking with fellow riders. The experience is all about the joy of coming together, enjoying the outdoors, celebrating each other, and exploring our vibrant city.

Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County

The rides also challenge stereotypes, offering a powerful counternarrative to the misconception that Black and Brown people don’t ride bikes or go long distances. Yolanda’s work isn’t just about making streets more bikeable—it’s about creating a space for BIPOC riders to share their stories. These diverse narratives, often overlooked, reclaim their rightful place on the streets of L.A. and show the power of mobility to build bridges and inspire change.

“I hope we collectively take away the importance of justice…meaning that together we can make so many amazing things happen”.

Building Community Through Justice and Joy 

At the heart of Yolanda’s efforts is the idea that bicycling is more than just a mode of transportation—it’s a tool for justice, health, and healing. Yolanda’s advocacy focuses on addressing systemic inequities, from redlining that left her neighborhood without bike lanes and crosswalks to traffic violence and the policing of—and sometimes fatal encounters with—Black and Brown cyclists. 

“When I ask[ed] the question, ‘Why doesn't my community have bike lanes?’ I had no clue that it had to do with justice,” she says. Yolanda’s admirable work on Adams Boulevard, where she helped secure bike lanes and traffic-calming measures, is a testament to her vision of what’s possible when communities come together, share their experiences, and demand change. 

A large group of bike riders, some kneeling and some standing, with fists raised in support of Black Lives Matter. Behind the group is a black and white civil rights mural that says “Freedom Won’t Wait”.

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

Yolanda (standing in center) and mobility justice advocates went on a memorial ride in 2020 to honor Dijon Kizzee who was fatally shot by Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputies in 2020. Behind the group is the Freedom Won’t Wait mural (on the wall of Good Fred’s Barbershop at W 54th St. and Western Ave.) painted in 1992 by muralist Noni Olabisi, known for her powerful style of expressive figurations of Blackness. Pictured with Yolanda are colleagues and mobility justice activists Lena Williams from People for Mobility Justice (front left) and Paulette Pierce (front right).

Selfie of a woman of color in a black jacket, baseball cap and sunglasses, standing in front of a bilingual sign for bike safety tacked onto a telephone pole.

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

Yolanda pauses in front of a bilingual Adams Blvd Safety Project sign on Adams Boulevard, a 2022 collaboration with LADOT. The sign promotes safety measures for community stakeholders, bicyclists, and motorists along the route.

Circular multicolor reflector suncatcher attached perpendicular to an electrical pole above a sign describing these rainbow halos as a tribute to people killed in traffic crashes.

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

Yolanda spearheaded and led the effort to install a Rainbow Halo at the intersection of Rose Avenue and Pacific Avenue in Venice to honor Prynsess Brazzle, a 22-year-old tragically killed (2021) in a violent hit-and-run while bicycling. Halos are put up by the city to mark locations where victims of traffic violence were slain. The Rainbow Halo Project, a collaboration between the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT), the Department of Cultural Affairs (DCA), and SoCal Families for Safe Streets, serves to commemorate individuals who have lost their lives in traffic crashes.

Bicycle wheel spokes decorated with a circular sign spraypainted with the pink and black words: "Black Lives"

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

Yolanda decorated her bike wheel to bring attention to Black lives lost to police violence.

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Yolanda (standing in center) and mobility justice advocates went on a memorial ride in 2020 to honor Dijon Kizzee who was fatally shot by Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputies in 2020. Behind the group is the Freedom Won’t Wait mural (on the wall of Good Fred’s Barbershop at W 54th St. and Western Ave.) painted in 1992 by muralist Noni Olabisi, known for her powerful style of expressive figurations of Blackness. Pictured with Yolanda are colleagues and mobility justice activists Lena Williams from People for Mobility Justice (front left) and Paulette Pierce (front right).

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

Yolanda pauses in front of a bilingual Adams Blvd Safety Project sign on Adams Boulevard, a 2022 collaboration with LADOT. The sign promotes safety measures for community stakeholders, bicyclists, and motorists along the route.

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

Yolanda spearheaded and led the effort to install a Rainbow Halo at the intersection of Rose Avenue and Pacific Avenue in Venice to honor Prynsess Brazzle, a 22-year-old tragically killed (2021) in a violent hit-and-run while bicycling. Halos are put up by the city to mark locations where victims of traffic violence were slain. The Rainbow Halo Project, a collaboration between the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT), the Department of Cultural Affairs (DCA), and SoCal Families for Safe Streets, serves to commemorate individuals who have lost their lives in traffic crashes.

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

Yolanda decorated her bike wheel to bring attention to Black lives lost to police violence.

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

Yolanda's organized rides often serve as catalysts for connection, bringing together multicultural groups while emphasizing the critical need to make our streets safer for Black and BIPOC individuals to bicycle, walk, and use public transit. The bike rides have an organic way of bringing people together, often with bystanders spontaneously joining as they pass by. Public agencies, like the Department of Transportation and L.A. Metro, have also recognized Yolanda’s work and the role bikes play in building community. These agencies often support Yolanda’s group rides by providing bike rentals, public education, and safety information. 

Yolanda also includes local businesses in her rides, highlighting the interconnectedness of the neighborhood’s ecosystem. “I think there's a lot of education around what that bike lane means and why it's so important that we lift it up…[that’s] why we continue communication block by block,” she says. 

“The community council districts [came] to me saying, ‘What do you think about having a bike lane on Adams?’ And I'm like, ‘It's long overdue’!”

Six white electric bikes with red baskets that have the "Doordash" logo on them parked at an angle on the grass.

Milena Acosta

Yolanda has worked with public agencies like LA Metro Bike Share to make bike rides more accessible by providing free e-bike rentals for community members who don't own their own bicycle or who have not experienced Metro Bike Share. Each sponsored ride begins with a brief introduction to bicycling education, helmet fitting, and a review of safety tips provided by Eli Kaufman, Executive Director of Bike LA and a collaborator on Yolanda's team.

A dozen BIPOC bicycle riders, on both normal and electric bicycles, riding on a dirt path past a car parked next to a large grassy lawn with trees below a powerline in the background.

Milena Acosta

In November 2024, Yolanda led a community bike ride through the West Adams neighborhood, sponsored by Biking While Black, Otis College of Art and Design, along with the aligned collaborators Yolanda brought together—Bike LA, LA Sanitation & Environment, and Metro Bike Share—who contributed their expertise and resources.

A group of a dozen BIPOC bike riders parked on the sidewalk in front of a black metal fence, circled around their group leader giving instructions.

Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County

Along the West Adams ride, Yolanda includes stops at local businesses and points of interest to give history and context, such as the LADOT Adams Blvd Safety Project (at West Adams Blvd. and Genesee Ave.), trees planted by L.A. Sanitation & Environment, and the William Grant Still Art Center.

Two dozen adult bicyclists, some standing, some kneeling, posing with their bikes in a parking lot in front of a mural of Bob Marley surrounded by orange flowers.

Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County

The West Adams neighborhood ride stopped in front of the iconic Bob Marley mural by David Flores at W Adams Blvd. and S Redondo Blvd.

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Yolanda has worked with public agencies like LA Metro Bike Share to make bike rides more accessible by providing free e-bike rentals for community members who don't own their own bicycle or who have not experienced Metro Bike Share. Each sponsored ride begins with a brief introduction to bicycling education, helmet fitting, and a review of safety tips provided by Eli Kaufman, Executive Director of Bike LA and a collaborator on Yolanda's team.

Milena Acosta

In November 2024, Yolanda led a community bike ride through the West Adams neighborhood, sponsored by Biking While Black, Otis College of Art and Design, along with the aligned collaborators Yolanda brought together—Bike LA, LA Sanitation & Environment, and Metro Bike Share—who contributed their expertise and resources.

Milena Acosta

Along the West Adams ride, Yolanda includes stops at local businesses and points of interest to give history and context, such as the LADOT Adams Blvd Safety Project (at West Adams Blvd. and Genesee Ave.), trees planted by L.A. Sanitation & Environment, and the William Grant Still Art Center.

Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County

The West Adams neighborhood ride stopped in front of the iconic Bob Marley mural by David Flores at W Adams Blvd. and S Redondo Blvd.

Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County

Looking Ahead: A Future of Mobility Justice 

As she enters her second decade of organizing rides and advocating for bike lanes and mobility justice, Yolanda is more committed than ever to creating a safer, more inclusive Los Angeles. In 2021, Yolanda decided to go beyond just addressing the challenges of disenfranchised infrastructure in communities of color by taking the initiative to direct and co-produce the short documentary film: Biking While Black: Continuing to Ride Through Decriminalization, Disenfranchisement, and Gentrification, which explores the intersections of race, mobility, and justice in L.A. 

Her valiant efforts have paid off, as the film continues to earn recognition and awards, including: 

  • 2022 Best Bicycle Film prize at the UN Habitat Better Cities Film Festival 
  • 2024 Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) Go Human Community Streets Grant Award to develop a framework for a mobility justice leadership curriculum based on the lived experience of stakeholders in the Arlington Heights community
  • 2024 American Planning Association (APA) Los Angeles 2024 Planning Award for Communications Initiative 
Promotional graphic for Biking While Black's award for 2021 Best Bicycle Film at the Better Cities Film Festival.

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

The social justice messages highlighted in the short film "Biking While Black" have caught the attention of viewers and critics alike.

A BIPOC man and woman standing on stage in front of a movie screen while a moderator speaks into a microphone.

Jorge Cáñez

Panel conversation after the screening of Biking While Black at the California Bicycle Summit in Oakland in April 2022. Pictured from left to right are Lena Williams (People for Mobility Justice), Adé Neff (Ride On! Bike Shop/Co-Op), and Yolanda Davis-Overstreet.

Orange feather banner in the foreground with the Biking While Black logo that are two black hands holding a spoked wheel. In the background are people milling about at a supply booth underneath large, leafy trees.

Milena Acosta

Biking While Black supports and educates community members interested in inclusive, accessible cycling communities around Los Angeles.

A group of BIPOC children and adults pose around two bicycles

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

Local bicycling mentors and mobility justice advocates at the 2023 Juneteenth ride hosted by CicLAvia.

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The social justice messages highlighted in the short film "Biking While Black" have caught the attention of viewers and critics alike.

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

Panel conversation after the screening of Biking While Black at the California Bicycle Summit in Oakland in April 2022. Pictured from left to right are Lena Williams (People for Mobility Justice), Adé Neff (Ride On! Bike Shop/Co-Op), and Yolanda Davis-Overstreet.

Jorge Cáñez

Biking While Black supports and educates community members interested in inclusive, accessible cycling communities around Los Angeles.

Milena Acosta

Local bicycling mentors and mobility justice advocates at the 2023 Juneteenth ride hosted by CicLAvia.

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

If you ask Yolanda her opinion, the Biking While Black movement is all about the next generation. She wants Black and BIPOC Angelinos to be able to grow up in a city where they don’t have to drive somewhere just to feel safe on a bike. She hopes that they, like her as a child, “can exist in this bike riding space in my own neighborhood”. Through this film, Yolanda “celebrates the resilience, strength, and spirit of the Black community”. She is paving the way for a future where everyone, regardless of race, identity, or skill level, can experience the joy and freedom of biking. 

“Why we’re here today is to experience justice and joy on bikes,” she says. And to turn that justice into a reality for everyone, Yolanda continues to bring people together to reimagine our streets, our neighborhoods, and our beautiful city on wheels. 

“When it really started paying off is when it became community work.” 

A woman and two kids of color standing next to their bikes in front of a a red car parked in front of a green building with a wooden awning.

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

Yolanda’s advocacy work began with a desire to make city streets safer for her daughter (right) and local youth. Her work continues to focus on getting younger generations of BIPOC Angelinos to share the joy of biking.

Selfie of a smiling mother and daughter of color, both wearing sunglasses and bike helmets.

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

Yolanda and her daughter posing on one of their many CicLAvia bike rides.

Young girl of color, wearing a light blue t-shirt, black shorts and white baseball cap with a pink jacket tied around her waist, stands next to a red bicycle in front of Watts Towers.

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

Yolanda has made a career out of connecting the next generation with community through bikes. Her daughter Niah proudly stands next to a locally designed bike in front of Watts Towers.

BIPOC mother and son on bikes, standing next to each other. Their shirts say "Biking While Black"

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

Yolanda and her son, Nile, in November 2024, as they led the collaborative Biking While Black and Otis College of Art and Design community bike ride through the West Adams neighborhood.

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Yolanda’s advocacy work began with a desire to make city streets safer for her daughter (right) and local youth. Her work continues to focus on getting younger generations of BIPOC Angelinos to share the joy of biking.

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

Yolanda and her daughter posing on one of their many CicLAvia bike rides.

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

Yolanda has made a career out of connecting the next generation with community through bikes. Her daughter Niah proudly stands next to a locally designed bike in front of Watts Towers.

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

Yolanda and her son, Nile, in November 2024, as they led the collaborative Biking While Black and Otis College of Art and Design community bike ride through the West Adams neighborhood.

Yolanda Davis-Overstreet

Keep on Rollin’ 

Watch the nine-minute short film documentary Biking While Black: How Safe Are Black Lives Bicycling? (2021) and subscribe to Biking While Black to stay informed about their upcoming events, bike rides, and screenings. Do you know another Angeleno who connects with their community on wheels? We want to hear from you! Join the conversation on social media and tag us @NHMLA with #LAonWheels.